Broken Sword 2 Walkthrough: Pyramid Area

This is our in-depth guide for Broken Sword 2 Pyramid part. If you want to check the rest of the game’s walkthrough, then check the rest of the Broken Sword 2 walkthrough.


Pyramid Guide:


  1. Retrieve the generator’s cylinder
  2. Get the rope and use it with Titipoco by talking to him
  3. Tie the engine with the rope
  4. Use the dagger on the fuel line next to the generator
  5. Use the generator on the fuel line and then you can use it with the cap to pour fuel
  6. Activate the engine by pressing the red button
  7. Pull the engine’s lever and talk to Titipoco
  8. Go to the elevator and speak to Titipoco.


Platform Area:

  1. Here you only need to pick up the ammunitions


Base Area:

  1. Go to your left and find a torch
  2. Use it with Titipoco
  3. Use the belt on the fire to make it explode
  4. Speak with Raoul
  5. Speak to George and free him


Pyramid Entrance Area:

  1. Pull the 2 levers by talking to George and enlisting his help
  2. Watch the movie


Wheel Room Area:

  1. Look at the tiles
  2. See what 2 tiles make each tile and turn the dials as to the symbols meeting form the tile you’re going to press next.
  3. Once you have both tiles pushed in, push the one part of the four
  4. Rinse and Repeat.
  5. Exit the room.
  6. Pick the torch up and use it on Titipoco
  7. Pull the lever.


Linked Rooms Area:

  1. Pull the lever
  2. Pull both levers on the room after the first one
  3. Pull the left lever
  4. Back to the first room you visited, there’s now an extra door. Take it!
  5. Pick the torch up
  6. Light the torch that is mounted upon the wall
  7. Pull yet another lever and get down the stairs
  8. SPOILER ALERT: You’re done!


That’s the end of our two part Broken Sword II Walkthrough. For the first part, don’t forget to check this out.

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