A Strange Invitation Walkthrough Guide

If you’ve been stuck on the escape game strange invitation, then here’s how to get out.


  1. Pick the crowbar from the closet floor up.
  2. Examine the wall to find L8
  3. Go to the bathroom
  4. Use the crowbar on the mirror.
  5. Pick up the bead
  6. Pick up the water bottle in the main room
  7. Find the fridge and use the bottle on it.
  8. Spot the S5 on the fridge’s side.
  9. Walk for some time while the bottle cools
  10. Go to the stepladder
  11. Turn to the TV and open the left cabinet of the alcove
  12. Pick one of the glasses when you look to the glass figures
  13. Use the stepladder to pick the Katana up (to the clock’s wall)
  14. Pick the stepladder up again
  15. Go fetch the water if you didn’t already
  16. Combine the water and the glass and tap it
  17. Find the letters RLLRL
  18. Examine the flashlight by the front door
  19. Examine the Katana
  20. Use the bottle on the katana and take it off
  21. Unsheathe it
  22. Cut the flashlight’s wire and pick it up
  23. Use the stepladder under the clock
  24. Move the short hand pointer (S5) to the five and long hand pointer (L8) to the 8 and remove the batteries
  25. Use the batteries on your newfound flashlight
  26. Go to the table and use the ceiling light and tilt it to pick up the cushion
  27. Use the bead on the window in the appropriate room. Put the cushion under the sun’s ray and then use the bead on it. 
  28. Use the flashlight on the katana’s stand and then place it next to the bead
  29. Find the numbers 39518 which are now focused
  30. Use the TV and take the scissors that rest on top of it by using the stepladder, picking the stepladder up again as you leave
  31. Cut the hanging bathrobe down to claim the rod
  32. Go to the white closet and reach above the cabinet by stepping on the stepladder yet again.
  33. Use the flashlight to see
  34. Get the string
  35. Don’t forget to pick the stepladder up again
  36. Turn the TV on and use the dial starting right and ending at three. After this is done, turn it again this time nine times to the left which ends it at four.
  37. Turn the notch again, five times to the left and you’re back at nine. Proceed by turning it right just one time getting you zero. Finally, you’ll have to turn it left eight times leaving you at two.
  38. Press ENTER to confirm and it works
  39. Tap the screen
  40. Go back to the white closet and use your crowbar on the tile, finding the ghost tile below.
  41. Touch the bottom of the table at the middle. Use your water on it and check what appears
  42. Back to the alcove, find the right wall’s cabinet and you’ll find two vacant spots. Use the tiles on them.
  43. Put the tiles in the right order
  44. Now look at the ceiling while on top of the stepladder
  45. Use the rod on what you find and you’ll get a key part
  46. Examine the ceiling and combine the katana and rod using the string to bind them. Finally, use the key part on the sword’s tip and use that on the ceiling.
  47. Escape through the front door.



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