Before you start the game, remember to get used to the controls. Move your foot with the left button, and the right move your eyes. At the beginning of the game, turn around and find the lightstruck on, where you can find a suitcase nearby. Take the Nine of Tentacles. We must then find a way to the mansion.
Take advantage of and behind the truck, find a wrench as it will be essential to open a chain and enter through a gate further ahead.
See a barrel, and turn around. There will be two graves, the one on the left side has a screwdriver. Use it to open the paint can and get a blue key. With the help of the blue button, unlock the shed door and enter. You can then pick up the hammer.
Enter the mansion and use this hammer to break the pot from the ground. Take the key and unlock the front door.
Curiously, go upstairs and find Jacobson’s diary on the table. Now go back downstairs and you will hear a noise. Someone is the same as you, so open the door on your right and take the vinegar off the counter.
In that same moment, someone has just locked a door, so grab the sponge, the knife, and a saucepan by the kitchen sink.
Also, take a log from the floor at the bottom of the oven. If you fix it well, there’s a puzzle on the wall, but it’s very greasy, right? That’s where you’ll apply the vinegar and the sponge to clean it. Now you can solve it and get the key.
This key you took opens this door
So take the three tentacles off the floor in the table salt and pull the chair out of the other door. Look under the chair for an envelope that contains the other key and an entry in the diary.
At that moment leave the room and hear the screams of the door on the other side of the hall. Use this key you just found to unlock the door and enter the room. Then take the Five of the Tentacles.
Approach the door on your right, for the screams come from there and stop. As there are no doors that can not open, exit the room and go up the stairs. Use the same key to open the door on your right and take the Six of Tentacles from this table.
Grab the handle of the boarding door on the chest of drawers and pick up the green gem from the ground and torque through the Cthulhu sculpture.
Then open the door directly over what you pulled and enter the room, then pick up the jar.
Use the screwdriver to open the box on the table and get the star-shaped jewelry.
Go back down to the door without the handle and use the handle to open it. Take in different items: in the pills, the acid stick, the three surgical instruments, and the “God of Tentacles” card.
He then goes to the medical office, and the doors behind him are closing again.
Then use the three tools one by one on the locked door in the room. All of them will break, but your door will be unlocked. When you enter you will see a bloody body.
Touch the tied man and he will speak and die right away. Investigate your body and you will discover a key. Also, read your entry in the table diary. Take the bottle of painkillers and the “Joke of Tentacles” card on the chalkboard.
Go up the stairs and take the corridor. Use the key on the lower left door to enter the son’s room (Elias).
Read the journal entry on the bed. Then pour acid on the suitcase to break the plastic seal. Pick up the Strange Stone from inside.
Open the bedside table and take another Strange Stone.
Read the journal entry in bed by pouring the acid into the bag to break the plastic seal. Take the Strange Stone. Opening the bedside table will still find another. And before leaving the room, close the door and look at the horse behind it. If you leave the room, take the “Seven of Tentacles”.
When you step out into the hallway, Jacobson is there, trapped by a seal. Go to the dining room and solve the puzzle of the horse’s head. Then pick up the stone and the envelope with a key inside it. Go to the dining room and use the knife on the tentacles painting to get another envelope with a key inside it. There is a box in the dining room that has a star cut on it. Put the star-shaped jewel and get the third Strange Stone. Climb the stairs to your parents’ room. Use the key you just found to open the chest to the left of the bed. Take the blood samples from the inside.
Then look at the designs at the head of the bed. They mean 1452, which is the vault code in the lab. Go back to the Cthulhu statue and place the green stones in the eye sockets to unlock the door.
Then go back to the lab and use code 1452 in the safe. Use the blood sample guide to get a sample.
Then go back to the door near the statue and use the awl to open the globe. Take the envelope and the book of spells. Drink the Scotch to have more energy, but do not take the medicines. Take the “Queen of Tentacles”.
Down the stairs, you can find a door with a magic seal. Use a seal counter spell to open it and go to the cellar.
When you find the shovel and bucket, take the “Tentacles Cavalry”.
Take the metal bar from the cellar doors and use it to complete the tubes. Then solve the puzzle to accelerate the gas. If you still do not have the games go back to the kitchen and find them. And use them on the stove to cause a fire.
Now to make the wash you will need spring water, salt, sulfur, fetus, virgin blood and amiandre root.
Then place the pot on the stove, and head back from the cellar to get the spring waters. Returning to the cellar add spring water to the pot. Using the shovel in the nest to get the egg (fetus) and the knife in the plant to get the Amiandre Root, add it all by adding the rest of the ingredients. Just pass the potion to the bottle.
Throw the potion at Jacobson, and then search your body for a box. Throw this box into the fire and use the shovel to get the last Strange Stone out of the fire.
Place the hexagonal stones frame in the correct slots in the cellar to open the secret door. Head to the end of the tunnel to see the end, and so finish the game!
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